Command list
- kd (Kill/Death ratio)
- kda (Kill+Assists/Death ratio)
- wins (Total wins)
- winp (Win %)
- lvl (Player level)
- games (Games played)
- eliminations (Total eliminations)
- healing (Total healing done)
- finalblows (Total final blows)
- dmg (Total dmg done)
- kpg (Kills per game)
- profile (Returns OverwatchTracker profile url)
Kills / Deaths / Assists
- skills (Total solo kills)
- okills (Total objective kills)
- mkills (Total multi kills)
- ekills (Total environmental kills)
- deaths (Total deaths)
- edeaths (Total environmental deaths)
- assists (Total assists)
- defassists (Total defensive assists)
- offassists (Total offensive assists)
- time (Total playtime)
- firetime (Total time spent on fire)
- obtime (Total objective time)
- cards (Total Card rewards)
- medals (Total medals)
- gmedals (Total Gold medals)
- smedals (Total Silver medals)
- bmedals (Total Bronze medals)
Best in 1 game
- mskills (Most Solo kills in 1 game)
- mokills (Most Objective kills in 1 game)
- meliminations (Most Eliminations in 1 game)
- mfinalblows (Most Final blows in 1 game)
- mdmg (Most Damage done in 1 game)
- mhealing (Most Healing done in 1 game)
- mdefassists (Most deffensive assists in 1 game)
- moffassists (Most offensive assists in 1 game)
- mobtime (Most objective time in 1 game)
- mfiretime (Most time spent on fire)
- commands (Link to commands list)
- install (Link to install guide)
- contact (Contact info)
- donate (Support info)
Hero specific
If you want to check stats for a Hero specific, just type the Hero's name before the stat. For example:
- !overwatch tracerkd xgerhard xbox
xgerhard: xgerhard's Tracer K/D ratio: 0,98 (#456, Top 76%).
- !overwatch meikpg xgerhard xbox
xgerhard: xgerhard's Mei Kills per game: 3,00 (#201, Top 42%).
- !overwatch widowmakerfiretime xgerhard xbox
xgerhard: xgerhard's Widowmaker Time spent on Fire: 21 days, 18 hours and 0 minutes (522.00 hours), (#67, Top 10%).
Available champions: Lucio, Reaper, Tracer, Mercy, Hanzo, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Pharah, Winston, Widowmaker, Bastion, Symmetra, Zenyatta, Genji, McCree, Zarya, Soldier76, DVa, Mei, Ana, Roadhog, Junkrat, Sombra, Orisa, Doomfist.
Update 07/04:
Competitive stats are in! Type 'c' before a command to get your competitive stats:
- skillrating (Skill Rating) [!overwatch skillrating iddqd-2884 pc]
[Dev] xgerhard: iddqd-2884's Skill Rating: 83 (#1, Top 1%).
- ckd (competitive kill/death ratio) [!overwatch ckd iddqd-2884 pc]
[Dev] xgerhard: iddqd-2884's (competitive) K/D ratio: 4,99 (#790, Top 3%)
- croadhoghooks (competitive roadhog hook stats) [!overwatch croadhoghooks iddqd-2884 pc]
[Dev] xgerhard: iddqd-2884's Roadhog (competitive) enemies hooked: 134 (Hooks attempted: 264, 50,76% hooks hit).
This works for all stats listed below & above!
Update 06/28:
If you have played a while with a hero, some hero specific stats will be unlocked:
For all heros, replace X with hero name:
- Xturrets (Total turrets destroyed)
[Dev] xgerhard: xgerhard's Roadhog total turrets destroyed: 21 (No rank).
- Xlks (Longest kill streak)
[Dev] xgerhard: xgerhard's Roadhog longest kill streak: 16 (No rank).
- Xultkills (Total kills with hero ult, plus avg kills per ult)
[Dev] xgerhard: xgerhard's Roadhog ult kills: 63 (2.39 Avg kills per Whole Hog).
- Xshots (Total shots fired + % hit + % critical shots)
[Dev] xgerhard: xgerhard's Roadhog shots fired: 31.527 (30,32% hit, 4,07% critical).
- bastionsentry (Total Sentry Kills)
- dvamechscalled (Total Mechs Called)
- dvamechdeaths (Total Mech Deaths)
- dvadmgblocked (Total damage blocked)
- genjidmgreflected (Total damage reflected)
- hanzoscatter (Total Scatter Arrow Kills)
- junkrattrapped (Total enemies trapped)
- junkrattrapped (Total enemies trapped)
- luciosoundbarrier (Total Sound Barriers Provided)
- mccreehammer (Total Fan the Hammer Kills)
- meifrozen (Total enemies frozen)
- meifrozen (Total enemies frozen)
- mercyrevives (Total Players Resurrected)
- mercysaved (Total Players saved)
- mercyblaster (Total Blaster Kills)
- pharahrockets (Total Rocket Direct Hits)
- reapersouls (Total Souls Consumed)
- reinhardtdmgblocked (Total damage blocked)
- reinhardtchargekills (Total charge kills)
- reinhardtstrikekills (Total fire strike kills)
- roadhoghooks (Total hooks + attempts)
Soldier 76
- soldier76helix (Total helix rocket kills)
- symmetrasentry (Total Sentry Turret Kills)
- symmetrateleports (Total Players Teleported)
- symmetrashield (Total Shields Provided)
- torbjornarmor (Total Armor Packs Created)
- torbjornturret (Total Turret Kills)
- widowmakervenomkills (Total venom mine kills)
- widowmakersniper (Sniper shots + % hit + % critical)
- winstonknockback (Total Players Knocked Back)
- winstondmgblocked (Total damage blocked)
- zaryaenergy (Total Energy Maximum)
- zaryaenergykills (Total High Energy Kills)
- zaryabarriers (Total Projected Barriers Applied)
- zaryadmgblocked (Total damage blocked)
- zenyattatranscendence (Total Transcendence Healing)