!pubg command - PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS stats in your chat

Nightbot installation:

Make Nightbot join your channel here: nightbot.tv.

Copy - Paste the following code in your chat:
!commands add -cd=5 -ul=everyone !pubg $(urlfetch https://2g.be/twitch/PUBG/command/query=$(querystring))

Or enter this code in the 'message' field while adding a new command through the custom commands page:
$(urlfetch https://2g.be/twitch/PUBG/command/query=$(querystring))

Optional parameters:

  • default_playlist - Set a default playlist for your users (solo, duo, squad), when no playlist is specified this playlist will be used.

    For example &default_playlist=squad, when a user types !pubg stats xgerhard the command will now check the squad stats.
    You can still force the command to check a different playlist, by typing for example !pubg duostats xgerhard na to check the duo playlist stats.
Installation example with squad as default playlist:
!commands add -cd=5 -ul=everyone !pubg $(urlfetch https://2g.be/twitch/PUBG/command/query=$(querystring)&default_playlist=squad)

Powered by: PUBGtracker.com ❤️.


!pubg action username platform


  • !pubg kd xgerhard
  • xgerhard: xgerhard's K/D ratio: 3.73 (Top 12%, #385) [Solo].
  • !pubg time xgerhard
  • xgerhard: xgerhard's Time survived: 14 days, 18 hours and 45 minutes (354.74 hours) (Top 34%, #3,373) [Solo].
  • !pubg stats xgerhard
  • xgerhard: xgerhard stats summary: [Skill rating: 1944.4 (#63,038)], [K/D ratio: 3.73 (#385)], [Wins: 4 (#64,219)], [Top 10 placements: 7 (#2,179)], [Win %: 21.05 (#236)], [Time survived: 354.74 hours (#3,373)] [Solo].


  • Available playlists: Solo, Duo, Squad, Fpsolo, Fpduo, Fpsquad (Default = Solo) (FP = First Person)
  • Get playlist stats by adding the playlist name before the action, for example:
  • !pubg duokd xgerhard (K/D ration in Duo's)
  • !pubg squadwinp xgerhard (Win % in the squad playlist)
  • !pubg duosr xgerhard (Skill rating in Duo's)


  • Use the setplayer command to link your PUBG account, for example:
  • !pubg setplayer xgerhard
  • Now when I use !pubg kd it will take my stats without entering the username.

Command list


  • setplayer (Link your PUBG username to your chat account)
  • help (Link to this page)
  • donate (Support this project)


  • kd (Kill/Death ratio)
  • wins (Total wins)
  • losses (Total losses)
  • winp (Win %)
  • time (Total time survived)
  • top10 (Total top 10 games)
  • top10wr (Top 10 win ratio)
  • top10r (Top 10 ratio)


  • sr (Skill rating)
  • br (Best skill rating)


  • kills (Total kills)
  • assists (Total assists)
  • suicides (Total suicides)
  • teamkills (Total teamkills)
  • hkills (Total headshot kills)
  • hkr (Headshot kill ratio)
  • vehicles (Vehicles destroyed)
  • rkills (Road kills)
  • dkills (Daily kills)
  • wkills (Weekly kills)
  • rmk (Round most kills)


  • days (Days survived)
  • lts (Longest time survived)
  • mst (Most survival time)
  • ast (Avg Survival Tim)


  • wdistance (Walk distance)
  • rdisstance (Ride distance)
  • mdistance (Move distance)
  • awdistance (Avg walk distance)
  • ardistance (Avg ride distance)
  • lkill (Longest kill)


  • heals (Total heals)
  • revives (Total revives)
  • boosts (Total boosts)
  • dmg (Total damage dealt)
  • dbno (Total DBNOs)

Summary commands

  • stats (Shows: Skill rating, KD, Win %, Time)
  • support (Shows: Heals, Revives, Boosts, DBNOs)


Twitch Xgerhard | Twitter @gerhardoh


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